Do you have a comprehensive and inclusive solution to ............................. ? Don't worry! You are about to meet with your new ism.
It is up to you how soon though.
First some homework; Just since it is about your future,you+me+everybody has to be involved.
Future at its best. The necessary roadmap at its best. Perfect combo.
Do you have a comprehensive and inclusive solution to ............................. ? Don't worry! You are about to meet with your new ism.
It is up to you how soon though.
First some homework; Just since it is about your future,you+me+everybody has to be involved.
Future at its best. The necessary roadmap at its best. Perfect combo.
Do you have a comprehensive and inclusive solution to ............................. ? Don't worry! You are about to meet with your new ism.
It is up to you how soon though.
First some homework; Just since it is about your future,you+me+everybody has to be involved.
Future at its best. The necessary roadmap at its best. Perfect combo.
Do you have a comprehensive and inclusive solution to ............................. ? Don't worry! You are about to meet with your new ism.
It is up to you how soon though.
First some homework; Just since it is about your future,you+me+everybody has to be involved.
Future at its best. The necessary roadmap at its best. Perfect combo.
Do you have a comprehensive and inclusive solution to ............................. ? Don't worry! You are about to meet with your new ism.
It is up to you how soon though.
First some homework; Just since it is about your future,you+me+everybody has to be involved.
Future at its best. The necessary roadmap at its best. Perfect combo.
Do you have a comprehensive and inclusive solution to ............................. ? Don't worry! You are about to meet with your new ism.
It is up to you how soon though.
First some homework; Just since it is about your future,you+me+everybody has to be involved.
Future at its best. The necessary roadmap at its best. Perfect combo.
Zone 1 is about a most basic, or a comprehensive, Vision Checkup. Keeping it most basic or most comprehensive is all up to you. Simply go thru every heading of the Vaccine Workbook and think on them, and write, at least try to take some small notes... Easiest thing ever! When was the last time you had a vision checkup? And how do you that?
Design your most intellectually sophisticated self. If you are it already simply transfer it to a set of headings to take it to new horizons. If it sounds too sophisticated then feel free to take it as a bit higher/better than present self. Isn't it time for a real resolution? Why not design a super human anyway, just for fun? And try to be it...? That's all about it, so to recap.
Hand written precious notes on precious topics... How great is that in such a digital era!? Don't worry, digital and AI, etc, will come aboard, too, but first 100% Natural Intelligence!
Zone 1 is like an ice breaker at the same time to help your vision try to get a hold of the overall idea.
We are not at the start line yet, so Zone 1 will help make it to the start line, too. It's a long and challenging journey indeed, Zone 1 is like a must attend prep school after which you can simply drop out or continue.
Positive Vocabulary Workshop is just one of the headings only but a critical one; You should do it both on your own and with other people. Other people meaning anybody you can interact. For now, try to come up with the richest list of positive vocabulary... Favorite environmental NGOs and list of awareness topics are also critical but if you have issues with focusing try to focus your focus on the Positive Vocabulary. Because we are going to build probably the first positive vocabulary prepared in such a way... If not for yourself you should do it to share with your kids and/or with as many children and young people as possible.
Consider the Vaccine Workbook is a new agenda for you to review with yourself alone first, then with other people. See it as a new topic to brain storm, with tons of other potential horizons ahead. You can also think of it like you're buying a vision instead of buying a drink for your friend next time you meet up. Or why not offer a new agenda to cover?
Try to create 'content' under each heading of the Vaccine Workbook. Maybe you already have an idea, thought, input, experience, practice, future plan, observation, feedback, etc, under the relevant heading so your content is ready there. See where you have the most content and where you don't have any. Try to understand how balanced your vision/action combo. Detect the required actions you'd better be taking where it seems it is needed. You will simply be mapping the components of your vision/action combo.
Above all, and first, make sure your vision is not a shallow one. With or w/o the Vaccine Workbook. Then make sure you are growing both yourself and your vision with a great and healthy action plan. Most importantly, both of them should serve as a role model, and you have to become a source of inspiration. Vaccine Workbook, together with the Roadmap, is offering you a new method to help with such a process if you need any assistance.
When the Roadmap is accepted as our individual or common roadmap to take to tackle various challenges, like climate change, we'll be able to determine what components seem strong and which ones are weak so requiring attention with priority. Vaccine Workbook will be instrumental in analyzing this and accordingly designing the action plan.
You can print out the Roadmap and attach it to the Vaccine Workbook, like an insert. So you may try to guess which zone each heading belogs to... Think of it like you just had yourself a new puzzle.
If you are a child, study the Vaccine Workbook with your parents and review the positive vocabulary, environmental NGOs and the awareness topics; make the Vaccine Workbook your new agenda to cover with them. See the Positive Vocabulary Workshop like a new game to play with mom and dad or with anyone.
If you are a student, above item is still valid but also begin to take your notes, just in general, in the Vaccine Workbook under the relevant headings. If you made an observation, for example, just find the relevant heading and write there. If you can't locate a relevant heading you think of a proper heading, too. You may ask your elders and teachers to write in your Vaccine Workbook, as well. In fact, you should! The headings in the workbook may also help you begin to determine your future career...
If you are a college student, all above items are still valid but also try to utilize the Vaccine Workbook to understand how your field of study is connected to each heading. Try to explore new horizons for your major. See how your major could provide the most impact in all fields of the Vaccine Workbook scope and on our future.
If you are a professional you sure have a lot to share with younger generations in addition to reviewing your agenda to see new horizons and summits, and to become aware of new opportunities.
Same goes for you if you are a retired and/or a senior person... You sure must have a lot to write and share, to shed light to our lives. Your precious handwritten notes... What else could be a better legacy to leave to next generations?!​​​​
​​​Use the Vaccine Workbook for problem mapping, solution mapping, idea mapping, network mapping, future mapping, skill mapping, etc.
Try to see and guess what headings may attract to each other to form the Super Magic Formula for +MODE.
Try to see and guess what headings are coming together to form the Renaissance 4.0.
Try to design a home sweet home from the Vaccine Workbook scope and your notes.
If you are a volunteer for a social cause or for an NGO the Vaccine Workbook will help you connect your focus to various fields and to new outstanding outreach.
If you are an NGO the Vaccine workbook will help you expand your outreach. It will also help with fundraising! Just hold positive vocabulary workshops and ask for donations... or do it as a side event during an already happening event. Don't forget to prepare a list of the positive vocabulary to share it with the participants.
If you are an entrepreneur, social and/or business, again see how you can raise funds with the help of the Vaccine...
If you want to sell the Vaccine and contribute to your budget that would be a great idea, too, whether you are an NGO or an entrepreneur. You're covered in that sense, too.
If you are a policy maker ...
If you are a prominent leader ...
If you are a civic society leader ...
If you are a politician ...
If you are a business leader ...
All above can multiply or more can be written for each specific academic, profession, career, social, etc, field you can think of. It all varies with any criteria or demographic you can think of...
Such tips about the Zone 1 are just some of the most basic ones probably, to serve as an ice breaker activity between you and the Star Roadmap... which is quite a long road indeed. Sooner you are involved, shorter time it takes to begin to knock down the excellent challenges aligned on the Roadmap.
What you can do and will do in Zone 1 with the Vaccine Workbook and the YNI Roadmap is whole another galaxy which is called
Getting the Vaccine Workbook brings you no obligation. You don't have to continue with Zone 2. You don't have to share your notes in the Vaccine Workbook with anybody. The workbook's whole purpose is to help you with Vision Checkup and introduce your vision to new horizons, for you to become the doctor of your own vision! So by the end of Zone 1 we hope [ :-) ]
You will have some new ways of seeing, at minimum.
You will have a solid and compact positive vocabulary, at minimum.
You will have known your agenda better, at minimum, with all your ideas, thoughts, etc, neatly positioned on a roadmap.
You will have classified/mapped your thoughts, words, actions, dreams, observations, etc, in the best way possible, at minimum, and to be prepared for the roadmap to take them all to new horizons.
You will have known your network better, at minimum.
You will have come up with new topics to cover with your network, at minimum.
You will have realized new horizons and summits, at minimum.
Enriched by new perspectives and ideas, you will be further taking your agenda to new heights, at minimum.
You will become a vibrant part of a vibrant new network, at minimum.
You will have made sure your vision is a comprehensive and vibrant one instead of one shallow and narrow.
If it seems like you don't actually have a real well defined and inclusive vision, or can't explain it well even to yourself, Zone 1 will definitely help you with both. Have a shiny clear vision! Revive the present status first!
Vaccine Workbook is priced at $25 and on sale on Amazon. (Far at the beginning, before the Vaccine Workbook was around, it was going to cost 1 YLE (Your Local Exchange) to come aboard. It's still the same but with the Vaccine Workbook the process beautifully evolved, so, you can get the Vaccine Workbook alone or as a group, and either share the cost or somehow find a way to reimburse yourself if you are tight on budget, or, on top of that, try to come up with a business idea and find a way to even create a new income source out of the Vaccine. (E.g. Hold positive vocabulary workshops for example, and on the side promote your products, services, awareness topics, etc, at minimum!) Those who studied the Vaccine Workbook will have priority to apply to enter the jury in Zone 2 and they will be able to nominate 9 other people to come aboard with them... Bla bla bla... Zone 2 is the zone of growth housing the Jury Formation, Environmental Awareness, GIFT System, etc etc.
By the way, you don't have to buy a Vaccine Workbook but somehow you have to have a thorough Vision Checkup with or w/o it, and hold a variety of intense workshops with your circle both to cover various topics and to review your agendas... Meanwhile hold positive vocabulary workshops, too, and write the resulting vocabulary.
Last but not least, Zone 1 has to be fully satisfied in order to make it to the next level, Zone 2, which is whole another world.
Growth with style and a healthy civilization is possible either with such a roadmap, or with a magic wand. We should choose wisely.
So far, together with the below, is only a bit of the tip of the yniverse... So to recap, the Vaccine Workbook will help with doing some right to the point homework.
Only if you move, all this will move. Moving on your side means showing some solid sign of will, action, thinking, writing, etc.