Do you have a comprehensive and inclusive solution to ............................. ? Don't worry! You are about to meet with your new ism.
It is up to you how soon though.
First some homework; Just since it is about your future,you+me+everybody has to be involved.
Future at its best. The necessary roadmap at its best. Perfect combo.
Do you have a comprehensive and inclusive solution to ............................. ? Don't worry! You are about to meet with your new ism.
It is up to you how soon though.
First some homework; Just since it is about your future,you+me+everybody has to be involved.
Future at its best. The necessary roadmap at its best. Perfect combo.
Do you have a comprehensive and inclusive solution to ............................. ? Don't worry! You are about to meet with your new ism.
It is up to you how soon though.
First some homework; Just since it is about your future,you+me+everybody has to be involved.
Future at its best. The necessary roadmap at its best. Perfect combo.
Do you have a comprehensive and inclusive solution to ............................. ? Don't worry! You are about to meet with your new ism.
It is up to you how soon though.
First some homework; Just since it is about your future,you+me+everybody has to be involved.
Future at its best. The necessary roadmap at its best. Perfect combo.
Do you have a comprehensive and inclusive solution to ............................. ? Don't worry! You are about to meet with your new ism.
It is up to you how soon though.
First some homework; Just since it is about your future,you+me+everybody has to be involved.
Future at its best. The necessary roadmap at its best. Perfect combo.
Do you have a comprehensive and inclusive solution to ............................. ? Don't worry! You are about to meet with your new ism.
It is up to you how soon though.
First some homework; Just since it is about your future,you+me+everybody has to be involved.
Future at its best. The necessary roadmap at its best. Perfect combo.
Please be informed that there are some eccentric and fantastic ways to get my books for free as a gift from me; The 'wisdom' Vaccine -in the shape of a workbook- and the OI. So please stay tuned. Buckle up and stay tuned, and meanwhile hover around and try to get a grasp of the infinite Star Sustainability Matrix, with Vision Checkup at its heart and which is the most fantastic and inclusive and productive 'Entrepreneurship' Program you'll ever witness that will get you closer to Sustainability (and beyond) at its max every time you grasp and embody a magic in and around the matrix. We have a lot to cover. New horizons ahead. Meanwhile please make a note of your comments, questions, criticism, feedback, etc. Better write them down properly under each heading of the Star Agenda; Feel free to start a new heading unless you can't see a matching heading. Matrix is designed to accommodate all your notes in the most productive way possible. Let's start a new era!
Oz gives you his books (4 copies of the Wisdom Vaccine (A workbook) and 1 OI) for free as a gift if you shout out
- Global Vision Checkup sounds great! Count me in! I'll share this super fantastic idea and the brand new agenda with min 100 people... Better the most the merriest! We can accordingly reconfigure the numbers right?
-Yes! Absolutely!
[Vision Checkup fee: 1 USD/Euro/£ pp, basic figure. Specifics amount to infinite. We'll come to every bit of it. E.g. You may ask them (the people who you want to cover) to reimburse you, and/or feel free to charge them more - hold a Positive Vocabulary Workshop for example and determine a 'convenience' fee, and/or make it part of your product/service portfolio. Long story short, think creative, sky is the limit, 5B is the rule.]
Follow @yellowballcoach to follow everything that needs to be followed to make it to YNIVERSITY! The ultimate creativity with you at your highest! YOU YNIVERSE YNIVERSITY!